Waterproofing Secures Your House Foundation

A well-maintained waterproofed basement provides you the guarantee that it’s shielded from flood, massive winds, damp air, fractures, leakages, molds, mildew and mold as well as pet manure.

stilt waterproofed house

PHOTO: Gulf Stilt Homes

PROOF: Read the stories of Bart Belkin and other survivors during the height of Superstorm Sandy in Fairfield County Connecticut in 2012.

Since its inception, VULCAN provides professional waterproofing solutions in twenty counties in New Jersey. These solutions are:

  1. Free & Personalized Evaluations.
  2. Hydrostatic Stress Alleviation Device.
  3. French Drainpipe Removal.
  4. Basement Makeover.

For more details about the above services, please call http://www.vulcanbasementwaterproofingnj.com/ before it’s too late.

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