Homeowners Need Pre-Winter Basement Free Assessment

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Winter kicks off December 21st. Without right planning however, the season will disappoint you. A waterproofing company confirms it causes breakage and cold incidents in your home.

Winter Storms in New York

PHOTO: Flickr

Come to realize that winter storms rank as the third leading cause of catastrophic losses (Property Casualty 360, October 2014), that explain almost 22 % of all homeowners’ insurance settlements.

Early this year, did you know barriers surrounded the 6th Avenue in Manhattan, NY? This was unexpected but this was the only effective way to protect the people and motor vehicles from electric currents that were moving through the manhole covers and close-by buildings (Live Science, February 2014).

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Before things are out of control, talk to VULCAN. The company provides free basement inspection in Atlantic, Bergen, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Essex, Gloucester, Hudson, Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth, Morris, Ocean, Passaic, Salem, Somerset, Sussex and Union. You’ll see the contact numbers at the sidebar.