How to Get Rid of Basement Leaks

A basement leak occurs when there’s a heavy underground pressure brought by lengthy hours of rains and melting snow. Sometimes, water problems existed during the construction.

Waterproofing companies such as Vulcan Waterproofing in New Jersey uncover water entry ways that cause minor and major leaks in the basement walls and floors. That’s why; it’s strongly recommended to track down the leak entry first, prior to performing repairs.

Hydrostatic pressure is a general cause of basement leaks. The ground is heaped with water, even when it’s dry. The pressure becomes massive when the water goes nearer to the surface. The surface soil becomes damp, which forces the underground water level to move up. Increased water table creates hydrostatic pressure against the foundation, which causes leaks.

A basement also leaks due to cracks, holes and rots in basement window wells. Heavy downpours and melting snow build pressure and load the window well. Leaks start to show up as a window well becomes vulnerable and open to much force, especially when it’s improperly installed.

More Causes Listed Here